Optimal Time Step (OTS) Selection and Non-Iterative Defect Correction (NIDC) for Finite Difference Schemes

An amazing (but straightforward) implication of Taylor series analysis of errors of finite difference approximations is that the accuracy of common finite difference schemes for time-dependent PDEs can be boosted above the formal accuracy by using an optimal time step (OTS) and applying a non-iterative defect correction (NIDC) (Chu, 2011). A key consequence of this result is that it may be possible to transform formally low-order accurate finite difference schemes into high-order accurate numerical methods with very little modification of both the original numerical algorithm and software implementation.

MATLAB code for all of the examples is available below.

Examples of OTS + NIDC

For a variety of time-dependent PDEs, OTS + NIDC can be used to design finite difference schemes with higher than expected convergence rates. Examples include:

PDEs in One Space Dimension

Low-Order PDE: The Viscous Burgers Equation

The figures below show finite-difference solutions to the 1D viscous Burgers equation $$ u_t + u u_x = \nu u_{xx} $$ using standard second-order central difference approximations for the spatial derivatives and simple forward Euler time stepping with (left) and without (right) optimal time step selection and non-iterative defect correction.

Numerical convergence studies demonstrate the expected convergence rates (left) and relationships between computation time and $L^\infty$ error in the solution. Observe that OTS + NIDC leads to effective fourth-order accuracy in $\Delta x$ even though the finite difference scheme is formally only second-order accurate in $\Delta x$. The time step size $\Delta t$ does not affect the accuracy because the stability constraint requires that $\Delta t = O(\Delta x^2)$.

High-Order PDE in Space: The Fourth-Order Parabolic Equation

OTS + NIDC is not limited to low-order partial differential equations. However, higher order stencils are required for fortuitous cancellation of higher-order errors.

The figures below shows finite-difference solutions to the 1D fourth-order parabolic equation $$ u_t = - \kappa u_{xxxx} + f(x, t) $$ using

Numerical convergence studies demonstrate the expected convergence rates (left) and relationships between computation time and $L^\infty$ error in the solution amongst a collection of common finite diffence schemes.

It is interesting to observe that the schemes based on Crank-Nicholson time stepping require less computation than OTS + NIDC. However, round-off error limits the accuracy achievable by both Crank-Nicholson methods (due to the linear solve required at each time step). OTS + NIDC does not suffer from the same accuracy limitation (but suffers from the stringent stability constraint $\Delta t = O(\Delta x^4)$ constraint).

Second-Order PDE in Space and Time: The Wave Equation

The figure below shows convergence rates of finite-difference solutions (with and without OTS + NIDC) to the second-order wave equation $$ u_{tt} = c^2 u_{xx} + f(x, t) $$ solved using the Kreiss, Petersson, and Ystrom scheme (2002).

OTS + NIDC leads to effective fourth-order accuracy in $\Delta x$ even though the finite difference scheme is formally only second-order accurate in $\Delta x$. The time step size $\Delta t$ does not affect the accuracy because the stability constraint requires that $\Delta t = O(\Delta x)$.

PDEs in Multiple Space Dimensions and Irregular Domains

OTS + NIDC is suitable for PDEs in multiple space dimensions and on irregular domains. However, achieving a boost in accuracy typically requires careful choice of the

The figures below show high-order accurate solutions to the 2D diffusion equation $$ u_t = D \nabla u + f(x, y, t) $$ on irregular domains achieved by using OTS + NIDC with

Numerical convergence studies demonstrate the expected convergence rates (left) and relationships between computation time and $L^\infty$ error in the solution. Again, we see that OTS + NIDC leads to effective fourth-order accuracy in even though the finite difference scheme is formally only second-order accurate in $\Delta x$ and that the time step size does not affect the accuracy because the stability constraint requires that $\Delta t = O(\Delta x^2)$. The figures below are specific to the solution on the starfish-shaped domain.

Semilinear PDE: The Variable Coefficient Wave Equation

OTS + NIDC can be extended to boost the accuracy of variable coefficient time-dependent PDEs by (1) optimally choosing the numerical grid and (2) using divided difference stencils that are the natural generalization of standard uniform-grid stencils (Chu & Lambers, 2009). The figures below shows convergence rates of finite-difference solutions to the second-order variable-coefficient wave equation (left) $$ u_{tt} = c(x)^2 u_{xx} + f(x, t) $$ solved using the Kreiss, Petersson, and Ystrom scheme (2002) and the variable-coefficient diffusion equation (right) $$ u_t = (D(x) u)_{xx} + f(x, t) $$ solved using a second-order finite difference scheme based on divided differences.

In plots for the variable-coefficient diffusion equation, FE is shorthand for forward Euler time integration.



  1. Chu, K. T. (2011). Boosting the accuracy of finite difference schemes via optimal time step selection and non-iterative defect correction. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(7), 3596–3614. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2011.08.108 [pdf]
  2. Chu, K. T., & Lambers, J. V. (2009). Using Optimal Time Step Selection to Boost the Accuracy of FD Schemes for Variable Coefficient PDEs. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. [pdf]